Second Rate?
The weight of the representation of those who are homosexual lies in the sexual. This piece gathered pieces of being within a relationship and their embodiments and played with a romantic relational montage.
second rate co da
Choreography: Joshua Yago Mora
Premiered: February 27, 2014 at Sugar Space, Salt Lake City, UT
Performers: Brooklyn Draper, Monica Remes
Sound Score: Shane Koyczan and The Short Story Long, Oliver Tank
In The Media
"One dancer was excited to share her strong feelings for a duet by Josh Mora that is very relevant with everything that is going on right now politically in Utah - and nationwide - regarding rights to partnership and marriage, what it means to love someone, etc."
Brittany Reese on City Weekly
"Joshua Mora’s “Second Rate?” could easily have been the fiercest work in the show had it not been compromised by the weight of it’s score. Particularly in the context of the text heavy work that had preceded it, it suffered from the series of TED talk clichés about a living well that comprised Shane Koyczan’s lyrics. The heart of this work wasn’t to be found in these tired platitudes, but in the very particular camaraderie of Brooklyn Draper and Monica Remes. The pair draw out of each other a sense of ecstatic play that is absent in the rest of the show (and in much of the dance field in general)."
Samuel Hanson of lovedancemore